AI and You: Human Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence

It seems like no matter where you turn, the buzzword you’re hearing these days is “AI”. Whatever the full scope impact of this technology becomes, we know for sure that it is going to change the face of almost every industry. The world is becoming more digitized and tech-reliant, and AI is only going to push that boundary faster.
How is AI going to affect you and your business? Let’s talk about it.
What is AI?
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a system that can perform tasks that previously were thought to be human-only. These things include speech recognition, content learning, and other problem-solving tasks. AI is capable of analyzing data sets, recognizing patterns, and creating unique results based on prompts.
AI In Action:
It might seem a little intimidating, especially if you don’t consider yourself to be super tech-savvy, but that’s what you have us for! Let’s break it down. If you’ve used Siri on your phone, or Alexa in your home, you’ve engaged with AI. Predictive text in your emails and suggested search results in your browser are also generated with the help of AI.
Want another example? We told Dall-E v4 (an AI that specializes in images and photos) to create a picture for an IT Consultant Business that loves animals. This is the result it gave:
Not gonna lie, I’m tempted to use that as our new logo. Fixers of tech, lovers of animals; it’s very on-brand for us. See? AI doesn’t have to be all “Skynet” from the Terminator movies, it can be fun!
In your day-to-day business, AI can help you with complex reasoning, checking your grammar, or comparing data sets. Text-to-speech is also valuable in terms of keeping meeting records or assisting those who are hard of hearing. But don’t forget to have a human give those transcripts a once-over. AI will do the best it can, but will sometimes make errors. You only have to count the number of fingers on a piece of generated art to know that’s true!
We all know there’s only one person that should have 6 fingers on their right hand and there is a Spanish swordsman who has some important questions for him about the death of his father. (side note: this is one of my favorite movies of all time)
From a marketing perspective, you should consider Suggested Videos on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. The algorithms that choose the next video or ad base it on aggregated data from people with similar interests and profiles, helping you reach your target audience.
Looking Forward:
While AI can help support a company or team, it’s important to remember that expanded AI capabilities and prominence can bring outside threats. Any search prompt in Google or any of the available AIs are only as powerful as the information you give to it. Think of AI as a sidekick- valuable, but still learning how to work together with your team.
What does this mean for your company? It means it’s time to start thinking about how you can adapt your business processes to use smart technology, and keep a competitive edge for the long-term.
When you’ve got questions about how AI impacts your bottom line, or what tools are out there to add to your arsenal, you know who to ask.