Onsite IT Support

While most of our support is done remotely because it’s more efficient to do so, sometimes an on-site appointment is required. Often, because something physical is needed – a new network, or computer is being setup for example. Unlike many of our competitors, we actually like going onsite to see you! There’s just no replacing the benefit and joy of having someone on your IT team physically there with you for certain issues.


Break / Fix Model

Many of our clients are on the “break / fix” model. What that means is that there’s no monthly retainer for labor. You contact us when you have a problem and we fix it. Eventually, you’ll get billed for that work. Don’t need us at all in April? Then there’s no invoice at the end of April.

“Break/fix” is great for smaller clients (1-20 employees) and residential clients. Your IT needs are likely smaller and there’s no need for a monthly IT bill. 

While the majority of IT companies we know have moved into monthly retainer contracts only, we find that many of our newer and potential clients are pleasantly surprised to realize that we still offer the “break/fix” model. 

Managed Services Model

The managed services model is often better for our larger clients. (21+ employees) Here you’ll have a set, pre-determined number of what your IT will cost you each month. Your finance person will love this.

Depending on your needs, we can possibly schedule one of our techs to be on-site weekly – once, twice a week, as much as needed. Whether you have this requirement or not, as best possible we’ll try to line you up with one of our techs to be your main “go-to” person so they become intimately familiar with your IT environment and will be able to more quickly address issues then someone else would. The managed services model is peace of mind that we have your back whenever you need it and when you may not know you need it.