The Three Biggest IT Risks of 2024

Here’s a sobering truth to start the new year: no company is too small to get hacked. According to Accenture’s latest cybercrime study, almost half (43%) of all cyber-attacks are carried out on small businesses. That’s pretty alarming.

We know that small businesses are often more at risk of cybersecurity attacks because they haven’t invested in protecting their data and IT systems in the way larger companies do. This makes them a much easier target for hackers.

And here’s why that matters: cybersecurity attacks can have real negative repercussions for your business, from financial losses to reputational damage.

Here are the top risks you should look out for this year:

  • Malware attacks

Malware is software used to gain unauthorized access to a company’s IT system to steal data, disrupt service or damage an IT network.

  • Ransomware attacks

Ransomware is a type of malware that holds data or systems hostage by attackers until a ransom is paid.

  • Phishing attacks

Phishing is a scam that encourages users to share private data using deceitful and fraudulent tactics.

How to protect your IT systems

The good news is that there are ways to protect your small business from these IT security risks – and they don’t require big budgets or complex, sophisticated tools.

  • Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Beyond simply asking for just a username and password, Multifactor Authentication (MFA) requires one or more extra verification factors, which helps reduce the likelihood of a successful cyber attack. It’s like locking the deadbolt on your door when you leave your house: an extra level of security to help deter criminals from breaking in.

  • Anti-Virus Software

Anti-virus software offers protection against all types of ransomware, malware, spyware and the latest cyber threats. Make sure it’s always running automatically in the background, and run a full system scan at least once a week.

  • Anti-Phishing Training

Anti-phishing training programs help educate your staff on identifying and reporting potential phishing scams, like potentially malicious emails and scam websites, to help mitigate the risk of an attack.

  • Offboarding Processes

Offboarding processes help ensure that you put procedures in place to prevent ex-employees from accessing your confidential company information and third-party company accounts.

  • Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance offers your organization protection in the event of a cyber attack. However, you’ll want to ensure that you have cybersecurity measures in place before requesting a quote so you get the best price possible and keep premiums low.

Need to find a technology success partner?

We know that most small businesses don’t have the knowledge, resources, or time to manage cybersecurity in-house. It usually makes more sense to hire outside help with the skills and experience needed to ensure your organization is as protected as possible.

If you’re looking for a technology partner who can set you up for success, Murph Consulting would love to help. As the help desk with a heart, we’re offering both new and existing customers a free consultation to discuss their IT security needs for 2024.

Our team of friendly cybersecurity and IT experts can work with your business to provide monthly support for all your IT needs.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Feel free to reply here to start the conversation.

When To Call An IT Expert

If you are a small business owner, chances are you are wearing a lot of hats - account manager, sales manager, HR, accounting, and sometimes IT department, just to name a few. But sometimes, it makes sense to call in the experts. At Murph Consulting, we are the Help Desk with a Heart. That's because we are a small business as well. We feel your pain and want to help you get your systems up and running again with the least amount of aggravation possible.



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Brooklyn, NY


Help Desk with a Heart ®

Serving the needs of residential and business clients, Murph Consulting is a full-service IT consultancy with a small personal client approach. We specialize in on-site computer support, computer maintenance, new computer set-up, network consulting, and desktop support.