Turn Up The Heat On Your Computer Love Affair

Turn Up The Heat On Your Computer Love Affair

This Valentine’s Day, while the world is swooning over their significant others, why not give a little love to the one who never leaves your side and always has your back (and files) — your trusty computer.

Don’t let your computer feel like the third wheel on this holiday of love. Show it some TLC and let the sparks fly between you two. After all, your computer spends more time with you than your significant other ever would, and it deserves a little appreciation. So this Valentine’s Day, why not show your computer you care?

4 Steps For Keeping Your Computer Happy

It’s easier than you think. Whether you’re a business owner or an avid gamer, here are four simple steps for showing your computer the affection it needs.

1. Reboot Your Computer
It’s kind of a running joke here in the IT field, but there’s a reason our first question is often “did you restart your computer”? Restarting your computer can solve many problems. Additionally, even if everything seems fine, restarting your computer on a regular basis is crucial. We recommend rebooting your computer at least once a week.

2. Regular Computer Maintenance
Running regular maintenance and scans can help keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently.

3. Computer Backups
Regularly backing up your most important data can help prevent any unexpected losses or damage due to power outages, hard drive failures, or other unforeseen issues. The best backup systems are “set it and forget it”, meaning after the initial configuration there’s nothing else you have to do except make sure the backups are indeed running correctly. Usually, this is as simple as just opening your backup software and checking its status. Most backup products will clearly indicate how their most recent backups went.

4. Computer Security
Improve your computer’s security by updating any software that requires updates and making sure that you are using the latest security patches and antivirus programs.

So this Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to show your computer some love too! It may not be able to give you a hug or chocolates, but its heartfelt appreciation for being well taken care of will shine through in its efficient performance.  With just a few simple steps, you can make sure your computer is getting the care it needs to stay around for many more Valentine’s Days to come.

Here’s to a long relationship between you and your computer! Here at Murph Consulting, we combine IT expertise with human-to-human support. Our Help Desk with a Heart ❤️ is here to help you with your IT needs. Contact us today at 917-924-4084.

When To Call An IT Expert

If you are a small business owner, chances are you are wearing a lot of hats - account manager, sales manager, HR, accounting, and sometimes IT department, just to name a few. But sometimes, it makes sense to call in the experts. At Murph Consulting, we are the Help Desk with a Heart. That's because we are a small business as well. We feel your pain and want to help you get your systems up and running again with the least amount of aggravation possible.



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Brooklyn, NY


Help Desk with a Heart ®

Serving the needs of residential and business clients, Murph Consulting is a full-service IT consultancy with a small personal client approach. We specialize in on-site computer support, computer maintenance, new computer set-up, network consulting, and desktop support.